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Anthony Witt

Teaches in Southern California

From San Diego, California

Plays Bass, Guitar, Piano, Saxophone, Ukulele, Voice, and Songwriting


Some of Anthony's earliest memories are of riding in the car with his father, the radio tuned to the jazz or classical stations and listening to him talk about the music, the composer, the time period, or giving young Anthony certain things to be listening for, on their way to Target, Home Depot, or one of the Community College courses his father taught where Anthony was fortunate enough to listen to the lectures too. Anthony has always been interested in education, though it would be many years before he knew that the only thing he wanted to be was a music teacher. As his BA capstone project, he decided on an internship at the Southern Sudanese Community Center. This was one of Anthony's most informative experiences: the importance of community involvement in the education and development of students cannot be understated. Part of Anthony's goal as a music teacher is to bridge a strong connection between his students and their communities through home practice and concerts. Anthony's philosophy as a teacher is this: music does not exist in a vacuum, while choosing pieces collectively with the students, they would discuss: the piece’s musical aspects, what they represent, and the historical context. As noted by James Banks in the Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education, this collective decision-making to choose pieces will help share the power within the classroom, historical context to why the music sounds the way it does will provide content integration, and genre as a synthesis of others working together to create something new will aid in prejudice reduction and knowledge construction, through metaphor.
Anthony has been a musician for 20 years playing primarily alto and tenor saxophone throughout his schooling including in several extracurricular bands around San Diego. About eight years ago, Anthony began adding instruments to his repertoire to expand his musical knowledge and support his interest in songwriting including bass guitar, guitar, piano, voice, and most recently ukulele. Each instrument's unique nature offers new ways to look at music and different outlets for expression.